Swifter tvOS sample code
A few more examples of tvOS Swifter code. Again, focus is on keeping selectors but removing static types as well as noize.
import Cocoa
category UIView(ZZmlTVOSBuilder) {
initWithZML:element inSuperview component loader {
self = self initWithFrame: NSZeroRect
translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO
loadChildViewsFromZML:element inSuperview component loader
return self
loadChildViewsFromZML:element inSuperview:sv component loader {
for child in element.children {
if child.kind != NSXMLElementKind
subview = loader viewForXMLElement:child superView:sv component
if subview == nil
hNode = child attributeForName:"h"
vNode = child attributeForName:"v"
subview constrainH: hNode.stringValue ?? "|-[self]-|"
V: vNode.stringValue ?? "|-[self]-|"
// other
doIt { // -doIt or -doIt:, depends on :
class MainWindowController : UIWindowController {
awakeFromNib {
windowFrameAutosaveName = "Main Window"
- default argument names in declaration as well as invocation
- still allow custom argument names
- parser has some whitespace / newline awareness to disambiguate
- deals with some C types (e.g.
) - Swift
operator - just
calls[super _cmd]
Written on September 11, 2015