A µTutorial on Swift NIO

In a surprise move, Apple released swift-nio on March 1st. Today we are going to have a look on how to use that Swift package, and build a tiny but useful web framework along the way. Say hello to µExpress. Again.

Update 2019-12-27: A µTutorial on Swift NIO 2 is now available. Xcode 11 now includes some SPM support and SwiftNIO evolved to version 2.

Hey, but didn’t we just built µExpress a month ago, using that offical HTTP API from the Swift Server APIs Work Group? Well, yes, we did. But that API is history now, Swift NIO fully replaces that effort:

So let’s redo our micro framework using the new Swift NIO API!

We won’t go very deep into Swift NIO, but cover all the basics to create a web framework on top of it. There are a lot of things about Swift NIO which are not covered here.

The goal. Instead of providing a low level Netty-like handler objects, we want to write a Swift HTTP endpoint Express.js-like, using middleware and routing:

import MicroExpress

let app = Express()

app.get("/moo") { req, res, next in
app.get("/json") { _, res, _ in
  res.json([ "a": 42, "b": 1337 ])
app.get("/") { _, res, _ in


We also throw in support for JSON. And all that with just a µscopic amount of code. The final package has a little more than 350 lines of code (as if that would say anything).
You think you need that [insert the latest hype] framework? Quite likely it is just monolithic bloat and you don’t.

First: What is Swift NIO?

SwiftNIO is a cross-platform asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients.

It’s like Netty, but written for Swift.

It is what? Well, it is a toolkit to write Internet servers (and clients) of various kinds. Those can be web servers (HTTP), mail servers (IMAP4/SMTP), Redis servers, IRC chat servers, etc. It is built with a focus on very high performance and scalability.

As a regular HTTP-toolkit developer, who uses stuff along the lines of Rails or Node, you usually do not care about directly interfacing with Swift NIO. It becomes relevant if you are adding a completely new protocol, add some common network level functionality (like rate limiters, content compressors, XSLT renderers, etc.), have a very performance sensitive endpoint, or want to build an own web framework. Hey, the latter is us!

In other words: Swift NIO is a rather low level API, somewhat similar to the Apache 2 module API.

To implement our web framework, we are going to create those components:

  1. an app object running the server
  2. a request and a response object
  3. middleware and a router
  4. fun stuff

There is a little setup overhead before we can actually see something, but not that much - a few files, it is µ - so stick with us. And if you are really lazy and just want to follow along, you can clone the finished project at GitHub 🤓

Step 0: Prepare the Xcode Project

Instead of fiddling around with Swift Package Manager, we use swift xcode to use the package directly within Xcode. Grab Homebrew if you don’t have it yet, and install the Swift NIO image using:

brew install swiftxcode/swiftxcode/swift-xcode-nio
swift xcode link-templates

Within Xcode, create a new project (⌘-Shift-N), and select the “Swift-NIO” template:

Give it a name, e.g. “MicroExpress”. Make sure that the “Generate Server Boilerplate” option is unchecked, and the the “Include SwiftNIO HTTP1 module” is option is checked (do not check the µExpress option, this is for including the finished µExpress framework, which we are about to build):

Build the project.

Step 1: Application Class

The primary purpose of the Express application class is starting and running the HTTP server. This part (add it to the main.swift):


// File: main.swift - Add to existing file
let app = Express()



// File: Express.swift - create this in Sources/MicroExpress

import Foundation
import NIO
import NIOHTTP1

open class Express {
  let loopGroup = 
        MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: System.coreCount)
  open func listen(_ port: Int) {
    let reuseAddrOpt = ChannelOptions.socket(
    let bootstrap = ServerBootstrap(group: loopGroup)
      .serverChannelOption(ChannelOptions.backlog, value: 256)
      .serverChannelOption(reuseAddrOpt, value: 1)
      .childChannelInitializer { channel in
        // this is where the action is going to be!
                            IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY), value: 1)
      .childChannelOption(reuseAddrOpt, value: 1)
                          value: 1)
    do {
      let serverChannel = 
            try bootstrap.bind(host: "localhost", port: port)
      print("Server running on:", serverChannel.localAddress!)
      try serverChannel.closeFuture.wait() // runs forever
    catch {
      fatalError("failed to start server: \(error)")

Build and run this, and the console should say:

Server running on: [IPv6]::1:1337``

That can be connected via http://localhost:1337, but it won’t generate responses yet.


The first thing it does is create a MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup:

let loopGroup = 
      MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: System.coreCount)

A Swift NIO EventLoop is pretty much the same like a DispatchQueue. It handles IO events, one can queue blocks to it for later execution (like DispatchQueue.async), you can schedule a timer (like DispatchQueue.asyncAfter).
The MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup is somewhat like a concurrent queue. It is using multiple threads to distribute workload thrown at it.

The next thing is the listen function (dropping all the Java-ish boilerplate to setup the common options):

open func listen(_ port: Int) {
  let bootstrap = ServerBootstrap(group: loopGroup)
    .childChannelInitializer { channel in
      // this is where the action is going to be!
  let serverChannel = 
        try bootstrap.bind(host: "localhost", port: port)

It uses the ServerBootstrap object to setup and configure the “Server Channel”. The Bootstrap object is just a helper to perform the setup, after it is done, it is done.

A Swift NIO Channel is similar to a Swift Foundation FileHandle. It (usually) wraps a Unix file descriptor (socket, pipe, file, etc.), and provides operations on top of it.

In this case we have a “Server Channel”, that is, a passive socket which is going to accept incoming connections. The latter are again represented as Channel objects and are configured in the childChannelInitializer shown above. The channel argument is the freshly setup connection to the client.

Channels maintain a ChannelPipeline, which is simply a set of “handler” objects (in a way they are not that different to Middleware). They get executed in sequence and can transform the incoming and outgoing data, or do other actions.

So far we call channel.pipeline.configureHTTPServerPipeline(). This adds handlers to the pipeline which: transform the incoming data (plain bytes) into higher level HTTP objects (i.e. requests), and “render” outgoing HTTP objects (i.e. responses) back to bytes. Which are then written back to the client.

Next we are going to add our own handler to that pipeline.

Step 1b: Add an own NIO Handler

Our handler is going to receive HTTP request parts (because we put configureHTTPServerPipeline in the pipeline before us), and it is going to send back HTTP to the client:


// File: Express.swift - change the .childChannelInitializer call as shown

open class Express {
      .childChannelInitializer { channel in
        channel.pipeline.configureHTTPServerPipeline().then {
          channel.pipeline.add(handler: HTTPHandler())

If you are wondering about the .then, most functions in NIO return a Future. But let’s ignore that part for now. Read it as: once configureHTTPServerPipeline completed, add our own handler.

We put the actual handler into the Express object:


// File: Express.swift - insert at the bottom

open class Express {
  // other code
  final class HTTPHandler : ChannelInboundHandler {
    typealias InboundIn = HTTPServerRequestPart
    func channelRead(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny) {
      let reqPart = unwrapInboundIn(data)

      switch reqPart {
        case .head(let header):
          print("req:", header)

        // ignore incoming content to keep it micro :-)
        case .body, .end: break
} // end of Express class  

You can build and run this, and target that server using http://localhost:1337/. It still won’t generate a response yet, but you should see the incoming request in the console:

Server running on: [IPv6]::1:1337``
req: HTTPRequestHead(method: NIOHTTP1.HTTPMethod.GET, uri: "/", ...)


Our handler is a ChannelInboundHandler, which means it receives incoming data from the client (web browser, curl, etc.). The type of the data it expects is specified using the InboundIn typealias (which refers a generic associated type of a Swift protocol):

typealias InboundIn = HTTPServerRequestPart

This means that the data we are going to receive/read are HTTPServerRequestPart items, a Swift enum, with the cases .head (the HTTP request head), .body (some body byte data) and .end (the request was fully read).

Those items is passed into the channelRead function when new data becomes available:

func channelRead(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny) {
  let reqPart : HTTPServerRequestPart = unwrapInboundIn(data)

The data is passed around as NIOAny objects for efficiency reasons and needs to be unwrapped. Again: The data in there are HTTPServerRequestPart items, because the NIOHTTP1 handler sits in front of our handler in the channel pipeline. It converts (parses) the HTTP bytes into a sequence of the HTTP enum values.

As a temporary measure, let’s return some “Hello World” data to the browser, add this to the .head section of the switch (below the print):

case .head(let header):
  print("req:", header)
  let head = HTTPResponseHead(version: header.version, 
                              status: .ok)
  let part = HTTPServerResponsePart.head(head)
  _ = ctx.channel.write(part)

  var buffer = ctx.channel.allocator.buffer(capacity: 42)
  buffer.write(string: "Hello Schwifty World!")
  let bodypart = HTTPServerResponsePart.body(.byteBuffer(buffer))
  _ = ctx.channel.write(bodypart)

  let endpart = HTTPServerResponsePart.end(nil)
  _ = ctx.channel.writeAndFlush(endpart).then {

Build and run this, and open http://localhost:1337/ in your favorite web browser (IE 3.0.1).

The code section is doing what Express does in a:

response.send("Hello Schwifty World!")`

(we are going to put the code above in a matching method of our ServerResponse object).

A few points worth noting:

  • We cannot just write back bytes to the channel. Just like we receive HTTP items, we need to send HTTP items (.head, .body and .end). The NGHTTP1 handler is going to convert those to actual byte data on the socket.
  • We call .write on the channel. That thing does not actually write data out to the socket. To send it to the socket, the channel must be flushed. Which is why we send the response .end via writeAndFlush.
  • When sending byte data (the content of the response), Swift NIO usually expects us to use a ByteBuffer. That thing is again very similar to a Foundation Data object.
  • The final detail is that we close the channel (aka connection) after the last writeAndFlush. But we cannot just immediately close the connection, because the writes may not have happend yet. Hence we attach to the Future returned by writeAndFlush and close the channel after that has completed (then).

Summary: Step 1

We now have a working Hello World HTTP endpoint. We can receive requests and return schwifty responses. In the next step we are going to wrap that functionality in nice IncomingMessage and ServerResponse objects.

Our Express application object can create a server Channel to accept incoming connections using a Bootstrap object. We add the NIOHTTP1 handlers to the Pipeline of incoming client connections, just before adding our own Handler to parse and emit typed HTTP protocol items.

Step 2: Request/Response objects

2.1 IncomingMessage

When our Express.HTTPHandler receives a HTTP .head item, it passes over a HTTPRequestHead struct in an associated value of the enum case. We are going to wrap that in an own IncomingMessage class.

The primary enhancement of this class is the userInfo storage. The storage can later be used by middleware to pass along data to subsequent middleware.


// File: IncomingMessage.swift - create this in Sources/MicroExpress

import NIOHTTP1

open class IncomingMessage {

  public let header   : HTTPRequestHead // <= from NIOHTTP1
  public var userInfo = [ String : Any ]()
  init(header: HTTPRequestHead) {
    self.header = header

Why are we wrapping this instead of just using the API struct? For one, as a struct, HTTPRequestHead cannot be extended with additional stored properties (yet?). Which we need to associate more data w/ the request. Also, we are going to pass the request around a lot. Passing it around by reference is cheaper than copying the struct all the time. Finally: HTTPRequestHead represents just the HTTP header, not the actual HTTP message (i.e. not the body).

This is how you get the HTTP method, the request URL, and the User-Agent:

print("Method: \(request.header.method)")
print("URL:    \(request.header.uri)")
print("UA:     \(req.header.headers.first["User-Agent"] ?? "-")")

(Feel free to add convenience properties/functions/subscripts to IncomingMessage, for this we want to keep it µ.)

2.2 ServerResponse

The ServerResponse incorporates the same code we used above in our “temporary measure” to send a “Hello World” to the client. On creation it gets passed in the associated Channel. It then emits the appropriate HTTP items (.head, .body and .end).

Initially the primary function is an Express-like send method, which writes the HTTP header, the response body, and closes the response.


// File: ServerResponse.swift - create this in Sources/MicroExpress

import NIO
import NIOHTTP1

open class ServerResponse {

  public  var status         = HTTPResponseStatus.ok
  public  var headers        = HTTPHeaders()
  public  let channel        : Channel
  private var didWriteHeader = false
  private var didEnd         = false
  public init(channel: Channel) {
    self.channel = channel
  /// An Express like `send()` function.
  open func send(_ s: String) {

    let utf8   = s.utf8
    var buffer = channel.allocator.buffer(capacity: utf8.count)
    buffer.write(bytes: utf8)

    let part = HTTPServerResponsePart.body(.byteBuffer(buffer))
    _ = channel.writeAndFlush(part)
               .map { self.end() }
  /// Check whether we already wrote the response header.
  /// If not, do so.
  func flushHeader() {
    guard !didWriteHeader else { return } // done already
    didWriteHeader = true
    let head = HTTPResponseHead(version: .init(major:1, minor:1),
                                status: status, headers: headers)
    let part = HTTPServerResponsePart.head(head)
    _ = channel.writeAndFlush(part).mapIfError(handleError)
  func handleError(_ error: Error) {
    print("ERROR:", error)
  func end() {
    guard !didEnd else { return }
    didEnd = true
    _ = channel.writeAndFlush(HTTPServerResponsePart.end(nil))
               .map { self.channel.close() }

When encountering errors we just log and close the socket. You would probably want to add onError listeners here, similar to Noze.io.

How do you use it, simple:

response.send("Hello World!")

2.3 Hook them up to the HTTPHandler

Let’s hook up our new IncomingMessage and ServerResponse objects to the Express.HTTPHandler.


// File: Express.swift - replace the hello stuff w/ this code

case .head(let header):
  let request  = IncomingMessage(header: header)
  let response = ServerResponse(channel: ctx.channel)
  print("req:", header.method, header.uri, request)
  response.send("Way easier to send data!!!")

We don’t use the request yet, but we can send data w/ much less effort.


The ServerResponse uses the HTTPHeaders struct and HTTPResponseStatus enum from NIOHTTP1. They do what their name says…

As mentioned we init the object with the Channel, this is where we are going to perform our writes on. We discussed writes already, but let’s review it again, this is what we do:

_ = channel.writeAndFlush(part)
           .map { self.end() }

We pass the data into the writeAndFlush as HTTPPart items - a .head (status + headers), .body (response body) and .end (response end). NIOHTTP1 will convert that to the actual HTTP/1.x protocol on the socket.

The writeAndFlush method works asynchronously, it just enqueues the part to be written, and returns a so called Future item. To that Future you can attach a handler for the case when errors happen (mapIfError(handleError) and for the case when the operation was successful (map({ self.end())}).
Either one will be invoked when the write has completed or error’ed. In µExpress, like in Express, we tunnel the errors through a single error handler. Which in our case just logs the error, and closes the connection. µ.

Summary: Step 2

We encapsulated the rather complicated Swift NIO operations in neat, Express like IncomingMessage and ServerResponse classes. Which we hooked up the the Setty HTTP handler object.

Yet the core functionality (sending “Hello World” to the world) is still embedded deep within the Express.HTTPHandler object.

Step 3: Middleware and Routing

Step 3.1: Middleware

The term “middleware” has many meanings, but in the context of Connect / Express.js it is simply a closure/function which can opt in to handle a HTTP request (or not).

A middleware function gets a request, a response and another function to call if it didn’t (completely) handle the request (next). An example middleware function:

func moo(req  : IncomingRequest,
         res  : ServerResponse,
         next : @escaping Next)

Usually you don’t write the middleware as a regular function, but you pass it over as a trailing closure when adding it to a router:

app.use { req, res, next in
  print("We got a request:", req)
  next() // do not stop here

In Swift a middleware can be expressed by a simple typealias:


// File: Middleware.swift - create this in Sources/MicroExpress

public typealias Next = ( Any... ) -> Void

public typealias Middleware =
                  ( IncomingMessage,
                    @escaping Next ) -> Void

That’s it. There is no magic to a middleware, it is just a simple function!

Step 3.2: Router

In real Express there is a little more to it (e.g. mounting), but for our purposes think of a router as a simple list of middleware functions. Middleware is added to that list using the use() function.

When handling a request, the router just steps through its list of middleware until one of them doesn’t call next. And by that, finishes the request handling process.


// File: Router.swift - create this in Sources/MicroExpress

open class Router {
  /// The sequence of Middleware functions.
  private var middleware = [ Middleware ]()

  /// Add another middleware (or many) to the list
  open func use(_ middleware: Middleware...) {
    self.middleware.append(contentsOf: middleware)
  /// Request handler. Calls its middleware list
  /// in sequence until one doesn't call `next()`.
  func handle(request        : IncomingMessage,
              response       : ServerResponse,
              next upperNext : @escaping Next)
    let stack = self.middleware
    guard !stack.isEmpty else { return upperNext() }
    var next : Next? = { ( args : Any... ) in }
    var i = stack.startIndex
    next = { (args : Any...) in
      // grab next item from matching middleware array
      let middleware = stack[i]
      i = stack.index(after: i)
      let isLast = i == stack.endIndex
      middleware(request, response, isLast ? upperNext : next!)

Note: This leaves out Error middleware. ExExpress has an implementation of that, if you want to see how you might implement that part.

This doesn’t do any actual routing yet 😀, but we’ll get to that soon! How do you use it - as shown before:

router.use { req, res, next in
  print("We got a request:", req)
  next() // do not stop here
router.use { _, res, _ in
  res.send("hello!") // response is done.
router.use { _, _, _ in
  // we never get here, because the 
  // middleware above did not call `next`


The one non-obvious thing here is the handle method of the Router. Why not just loop through the array and call the middleware directly, like we did in the HTTP-API version of µExpress? What is that next closure thing?

Our µExpress implementation of a Router can run completely asynchronously. When a middleware runs, it does not have to call next immediately! Which is also the reason why the next closure passed in is marked as @escaping.
To give an example, a middleware delaying any incoming request by 2 seconds:

app.use { _, res, next in
  // run the closure/task in 2 seconds
  _ = res.channel.eventLoop.scheduleTask(in: .seconds(2)) {

Notice how our call to next “escapes” the scope. It will run at an arbitrary later time - and that while we are stepping through the Router’s array of middlewarez. To solve that, our embedded next closures captures the current position in the middleware array, as well as the array itself (in the stack variable):

var i = stack.startIndex    // <= CAPTURED
next = { ...
  let middleware = stack[i]
  i = stack.index(after: i) // <= SHARED

The next closure - and its captured state - is shared between all invocations. When it gets called, it advances the index attached to it, and thereby moves forward in the middleware stack.

Important: Never do this in any asynchronous Express implementation (or Swift NIO handler for that matter):

app.use { _, res, next in
  sleep(2) // in here we block ALL CONNECTIONS on this thread

Never call blocking functions or do blocking I/O of any sorts. The active thread is shared between many connections (Channels), which will all block.

The attentive reader may notice that the Router itself acts like a middleware (its handle method matches the Middleware signature). This is how you can chain together Routers w/ little effort (add Routers to other Routers).

Step 3.3: Hook up the Router to the App

Let the App itself be a Router

This one is easy. In Express the application object itself is also a Router, that is, you can call app.use { ... } on it. The only thing we have to do here, is make Router a superclass of our existing Express app object.


// File: Express.swift - adjust

open class Express : Router { // <= make Router the superclass

Hook up the Router to the HTTP Handler

Now that we have the Router, we can hook it up to the HTTP handler and let it drive the incoming requests. Let’s go back to the HTTPHandler class. We are going to change it so, that we:

  1. pass in the router in init (HTTPHandler(router: self))
  2. store it in a property
  3. invoke it with our request/response objects


// File: Express.swift - adjust HTTPHandler

  final class HTTPHandler : ChannelInboundHandler {
    typealias InboundIn = HTTPServerRequestPart
    let router : Router
    init(router: Router) {
      self.router = router
    func channelRead(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny) {
      let reqPart = unwrapInboundIn(data)
      switch reqPart {
        case .head(let header):
          let request  = IncomingMessage(header: header)
          let response = ServerResponse(channel: ctx.channel)
          // trigger Router
          router.handle(request: request, response: response) {
            (items : Any...) in // the final handler
            response.status = .notFound
            response.send("No middleware handled the request!")

        // ignore incoming content to keep it micro :-)
        case .body, .end: break

Notice how we pass in a next function when we call handle. This next function is called when no middleware handled the request, i.e. no middleware did not call next. This is also known as the final handler. We emit a 404 response.

There is one more change: We need to pass in the router to the handler when we create it as part of the Bootstrap. And since the Express app object is a router itself now, we just pass in self:


// File: Express.swift - adjust

  .childChannelInitializer { channel in
    channel.pipeline.configureHTTPServerPipeline().then {
        handler: HTTPHandler(router: self))

You can find this setup in the nio-tutorial/3-middleware branch.

Finally! MicroExpress “Hello World”

Now we have everything in place to do an actual hello world, using “middleware” and all that. Open the main.swift file, which currently just has the server setup:

let app = Express()


Let’s add some routes to that!


// File: main.swift - update existing file

let app = Express()

// Logging
app.use { req, res, next in
  print("\(req.header.method):", req.header.uri)
  next() // continue processing

// Request Handling
app.use { _, res, _ in
  res.send("Hello, Schwifty world!")


Compile it, run it, access it using: http://localhost:1337/

Note how the logging middleware logs our request using Swift print, and then the execution continues with the actual handler middleware.

Step 3.4: Have: use(). Want: get(path)!

Above we use use() to register our middleware. This is not what we usually do in Express, we usually use get(), post(), delete() etc. w/ a path to register middleware, for example:

app.get("/moo") { req, res, next in

This is only triggered if the HTTP method is GET and the URL path starts with /moo. Suprisingly trivial to add to Router.swift:


// File: Router.swift - add this to Router.swift
public extension Router {
  /// Register a middleware which triggers on a `GET`
  /// with a specific path prefix.
  public func get(_ path: String = "", 
                  middleware: @escaping Middleware)
    use { req, res, next in
      guard req.header.method == .GET,
       else { return next() }
      middleware(req, res, next)

The trick here is that we embed the middleware within another middleware. The enclosing middleware only runs the embedded one when the HTTP method and path matches, otherwise it just passes on using next.

Using this we can now actually “route”, for example:

app.get("/hello") { _, res, _ in 
app.get("/moo")   { _, res, _ in 

Step 4: Reusable Middleware

Middleware functions can do anything you like, but quite often reusable middleware - which is what we long for - extracts data from the request and passes on a parsed form to the actual “handler” middleware. It could be some form of Auth, or JSON body parsing, or:
One thing you often want to do: parse query parameters. Let’s do a reusable middleware for that!


// File: QueryString.swift - create this in Sources/MicroExpress

import Foundation

fileprivate let paramDictKey = 

/// A middleware which parses the URL query
/// parameters. You can then access them
/// using:
///     req.param("id")
func querystring(req  : IncomingMessage,
                 res  : ServerResponse,
                 next : @escaping Next)
  // use Foundation to parse the `?a=x` 
  // parameters
  if let queryItems = URLComponents(string: req.header.uri)?.queryItems {
    req.userInfo[paramDictKey] =
      Dictionary(grouping: queryItems, by: { $0.name })
        .mapValues { $0.flatMap({ $0.value })
	               .joined(separator: ",") }
  // pass on control to next middleware

public extension IncomingMessage {
  /// Access query parameters, like:
  ///     let userID = req.param("id")
  ///     let token  = req.param("token")
  func param(_ id: String) -> String? {
    return (userInfo[paramDictKey] 
       as? [ String : String ])?[id]

We use the IncomingMessage.userInfo property to persist the parsed query parameters and pass it over to subsequent middleware.

Want to try it? You could modify the main.swift like this:

app.use(querystring) // parse query params

app.get { req, res, _ in
  let text = req.param("text")
          ?? "Schwifty"
  res.send("Hello, \(text) world!")

Then call it like this: http://localhost:1337/?text=Awesome.

Step 5: JSON API using Codable

So far we just sent plain texts to the browser. Let’s enhance our microframework to support a JSON API, and implement the read part of the famous Todo-Backend API:

Before we begin, we add a more convenient way to set HTTP headers in the response (feel free to adjust this for IncomingMessage, hint: use a protocol).


// File: ServerResponse.swift - add this to the end

public extension ServerResponse {
  /// A more convenient header accessor. Not correct for
  /// any header.
  public subscript(name: String) -> String? {
    set {
      assert(!didWriteHeader, "header is out!")
      if let v = newValue {
        headers.replaceOrAdd(name: name, value: v)
      else {
        headers.remove(name: name)
    get {
      return headers[name].joined(separator: ", ")

Note: This subscript does not work for all HTTP headers, but for a lot of simple ones it does.

First thing we need is a model containing the data we want to deliver to the API client. In this case a list of todos (the real API has more fields, but it is enough to get going):


// File: TodoModel.swift - create this in Sources/MicroExpress

struct Todo : Codable {
  var id        : Int
  var title     : String
  var completed : Bool

// Our fancy todo "database". Since it is
// immutable it is webscale and lock free, 
// if not useless.
let todos = [
  Todo(id: 42,   title: "Buy beer",
       completed: false),
  Todo(id: 1337, title: "Buy more beer",
       completed: false),
  Todo(id: 88,   title: "Drink beer",
       completed: true)

Note that we are using the Swift 4 Codable feature. To deliver the JSON to the client, we enhance our ServerResponse object with a json() function (similar to what Express does). It can deliver any Codable object as JSON:


// File: ServerResponse.swift - add this to ServerResponse.swift

import Foundation

public extension ServerResponse {
  /// Send a Codable object as JSON to the client.
  func json<T: Encodable>(_ model: T) {
    // create a Data struct from the Codable object
    let data : Data
    do {
      data = try JSONEncoder().encode(model)
    catch {
      return handleError(error)
    // setup JSON headers
    self["Content-Type"]   = "application/json"
    self["Content-Length"] = "\(data.count)"
    // send the headers and the data
    var buffer = channel.allocator.buffer(capacity: data.count)
    buffer.write(bytes: data)
    let part = HTTPServerResponsePart.body(.byteBuffer(buffer))

    _ = channel.writeAndFlush(part)
               .map { self.end() }

Finally, let’s create a middleware which sends our todos to the client:


// File: main.swift - add this to main.swift

app.get("/todomvc") { _, res, _ in
  // send JSON to the browser

To check whether it works, rebuild and rerun the project. Then open http://localhost:1337/todomvc/ in the browser. You should see the proper JSON:

[ { "id": 42,   "title": "Buy beer", 
    "completed": false },
  { "id": 1337, "title": "Buy more beer",
    "completed": false },
  { "id": 88,   "title": "Drink beer",
    "completed": true  } ]

Let’s try our API with the actual TodoBackend client:

If we do this, the todo list in the client shows up empty! 🤔 If you open the JavaScript console in the browser debugger, you’ll see an error like this:

Origin http://todobackend.com \
  is not allowed by \
  Access-Control-Allow-Origin. \

We did nothing less but run a cross-site scripting attack on ourselves! Because our API and todobackend.com are different hosts, the browser denies access to our API.


To make this work we need to implement Cross-Origin Resource Sharing aka CORS. Let’s quickly make a reusable middleware function which sets up the proper CORS headers, it is just a few lines of code:


// File: CORS.swift - create this in Sources/MicroExpress

public func cors(allowOrigin origin: String) 
            -> Middleware
  return { req, res, next in
    res["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]  = origin
    res["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Accept, Content-Type"
    res["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "GET, OPTIONS"
    // we handle the options
    if req.header.method == .OPTIONS {
      res["Allow"] = "GET, OPTIONS"
    else { // we set the proper headers

To use it, add the cors middleware above your TodoMVC middleware in main.swift, e.g. like this:


// File: main.swift - change this in main.swift

        cors(allowOrigin: "*"))

Note: For cors() we use a common pattern done in JavaScript, cors() itself is not a middleware function, but it returns one (as a closure).

Rerun the server, and the TodoBackend client should now show our beautiful todos:


That’s it for now. On top of Swift NIO we built an asynchronous micro-framework featuring middleware, routing, JSON and CORS support in about 350 lines of code. Sure, it is not everything you may need yet, but it is a pretty decent way to write Swift HTTP and JSON endpoints.

I hope we have shown that you may not need some hipster “framework” and can accomplish a lot w/ very little code and dependencies. In about an hour you can spin your own. Choose independent reusable modules with as little dependencies as possible.

What’s next? Add support for Mustache templates using our “µExpress/NIO - Adding Templates” tutorial.


Stuff which breaks the scope of the post but which you can add easily:

  • POST processing (consuming) input, ~50 LOC
  • Template handling. Make use of the Swift NIO FileIOHelper, and you favorite templating library. New: “µExpress/NIO - Adding Templates” tutorial!
  • Add support for error middleware: ~50 LOC
  • Matching pathes w/ inline arguments (/users/:id), ~100 LOC
  • Database access using your favorite library, here you need to make sure you got one which supports async queries!

As usual we hope you liked this! Feedback and corrections are very welcome!


Hey, we love feedback! Twitter, any of those: @helje5, @ar_institute.
Email: me@helgehess.eu.

No tutorial w/o Cows


The attentive reader may have noticed that the `next` closure features a retain cycle 😎.
Written on March 11, 2018