@dynamicCallable: Unix Tools as Swift Functions
A new feature in Swift 5 are Dynamic Callable’s. We combine this with the related Dynamic Member Lookup feature to expose the filesystem and Unix shell commands as regular Swift objects and functions.
Wait what?! We want to call arbitrary commandline tools from within Swift, like so:
import Shell
for file in shell.ls("/Users/").split(separator: "\n") {
print("dir:", file)
// dir: Guest
// dir: Shared
// dir: helge
let swiftVersion = shell.swift("--version")
print(swiftVersion.split(separator: "\n").first ?? "")
// Apple Swift version 5.0-dev (LLVM fe02928dd1, Clang 8836e4e85c, Swift 468f5b0530)
print(shell.usr.local.bin.python("-c", "'print(13 + 37)'"))
// 42
Inspired by the Python sh module,
any executable tool, from at
to xsltproc
, is made available as a
first class Swift function. Magic 🦄.
Dynamic Callable essentially allows you to turn any type into a regular Swift “function”. Let’s see how this works!
You can follow along, or you can go ahead and
grab Shell
from GitHub.
Important: Remember that you need to have Swift 5 via Xcode 10.2.
SE-0195: Dynamic Member Lookup
Before we jump into the new dynamic callable feature, let us revisit the Dynamic Member Lookup introduced in Swift 4.2. Environment variable lookup is the default example:
public struct EnvironmentTrampoline {
public subscript(dynamicMember k: String) -> String? {
return ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment[k]
let env = EnvironmentTrampoline()
let path = env.PATH ?? "" // retrieve an env variable
So what this does is instead of having to write:
you can directly use that key like:
When the compiler tries to lookup the PATH
“member”, it doesn’t find that
in our struct. Usually that would result in a compile time error.
But if the compiler sees that the type is marked up as @dynamicMemberLookup
it will instead replace the env.PATH
with this call:
env[dynamicMember: "PATH"]
The environment example isn’t very exciting, but this also allows you to traverse nested structures, for example a generic JSON dictionary:
// rewritten to:
json[dynamicMember: "person"][dynamicMember: "address"][dynamicMember: "street"]
In our case, we use this feature for two things:
- to navigate the filesystem
- to dynamically lookup tools in the
Navigate the FileSystem in Swift
In the spirit of the Environment example above,
let us create a trampoline which allows us to traverse the
filesystem using just Swift a.b.c
public struct ShellPathTrampoline {
let url : URL
var fm : FileManager { return FileManager.default }
public subscript(dynamicMember key: String)
-> ShellPathTrampoline
let url = {
let url = self.url.appendingPathComponent(key)
if !isDirectory(url) { return url }
return self.url.appendingPathComponent(key, isDirectory: true)
return ShellPathTrampoline(url: url)
func isDirectory(_ url: URL) -> Bool {
var isDir : ObjCBool = false
let exists = fm.fileExists(atPath: url.path, isDirectory: &isDir)
return exists && isDir.boolValue
let fsRoot = ShellPathTrampoline(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/"))
print(fsRoot.usr.local.bin.python) // <==
// ShellPathTrampoline(url: file:///usr/local/bin/python)
Note how we give the path using dot syntax: usr.local.bin.python
is translated to:
fsRoot[dynamicMember: "usr"] // yields the usr trampoline
[dynamicMember: "local"] // appends "local" to "usr"
[dynamicMember: "bin"] // and then "bin"
[dynamicMember: "python"] // .. you get it
The code of our subscript
looks a little complicated, which is mainly
due to the Foundation API to detect a directory being a little awkward
(and we need that to append a proper ending “/
” to the URL, e.g. “/usr/
In short: This is just a simple, but Swift-integrated, URL builder.
This is already quite nice, but we also want to find tools by traversing the
- if necessary. I.e. instead of having to call shell.usr.bin.ls
we also want this shortcut to work: shell.ls
Let’s add another trampoline which can do the dynamic lookup:
extension ShellPathTrampoline {
var doesExist : Bool {
return fm.fileExists(atPath: url.path)
public struct ShellTrampoline {
public let root : ShellPathTrampoline
public var url : URL { return root.url }
public init(url: URL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/")) {
self.root = ShellPathTrampoline(url: url)
public let environment = EnvironmentTrampoline()
public subscript(dynamicMember key: String)
-> ShellPathTrampoline
let trampoline = root[dynamicMember: key]
if trampoline.doesExist { return trampoline }
return lookupInPATH(key) ?? trampoline
func lookupInPATH(_ k: String) -> ShellPathTrampoline? {
let searchPath = (environment.PATH ?? "/usr/bin")
.components(separatedBy: ":")
let testURLs = searchPath.lazy.map {
( path: String ) -> URL in
let testDirURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: path, relativeTo: self.url)
return testDirURL.appendingPathComponent(k)
let fm = FileManager.default
for testURL in testURLs {
let testPath = testURL.path
var isDir : ObjCBool = false
if fm.fileExists(atPath: testPath, isDirectory: &isDir) {
if !isDir.boolValue && fm.isExecutableFile(atPath: testPath) {
return ShellPathTrampoline(url: testURL)
return nil
public let shell = ShellTrampoline()
// ShellPathTrampoline(url: file:///usr/bin/python)
Notice how the simple shell.python
is expanded to the full path:
This trampoline accepts absolute pathes in the dynamicMember
If the path passed-in does not exist, it will search the lookup pathes
stored in the $PATH
environment variable
(usually looks like /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin
using the lookupInPATH
function (notice how we use our environment
trampoline from above to access PATH
Summary: Dynamic Member Lookup
We’ve shown how you can use Swift dot syntax to lookup values dynamically.
And by that, we built a way to construct and even lookup filesystem pathes.
But so far, we can’t really do anything with those ShellPathTrampoline
values we get.
Remember that the compiler just rewrites this:
into this:
shell[dynamicMember: "python"]
SE-0216: Dynamic Callable
So let’s approach
Dynamic Callable.
Again, there is actually very little magic involved.
Let us assume our shell.swift
returns us a ShellPathTrampoline
That struct is obviously not a function and if we try to do this:
The compiler will rightfully complain:
Cannot call value of non-function type 'ShellPathTrampoline'
This is where
Dynamic Callable
steps in. It allows us to turn a non-function type
into a function type
by adding the @dynamicCallable
attribute to the struct. Let’s do this:
@dynamicCallable // <== add this!
public struct ShellPathTrampoline {
... code from above ...
func dynamicallyCall(withArguments arguments: [ String ])
-> Process.FancyResult
// some error handling in the real module here
return Process.launch(at: url.path, with: arguments)
// Apple Swift version 4.2.1 (swiftlang-1000.11.42 clang-1000.11.45.1)
// Targ...
You can’t add
in an extension, it has to be defined in the basetype. The code also omits a helper extension onProcess
, which you can find in the GitHub repo.
When the Swift compiler sees this:
it is about to emit the cannot-call error above, but because our type
is marked as @dynamicCallable
, it is instead going to rewrite this
shell.swift.dynamicallyCall(withArguments: [ "--version" ])
And since .swift
is looked up dynamically, the whole thing looks like this:
shell[dynamicMember: "swift"]
.dynamicallyCall(withArguments: [ "--version" ])
Our implementation of dynamicallyCall
gets the URL to the tool as part
of the lookup process (file:///usr/bin/swift
It then just forks this tool using Process.launch(at: url, with: args)
and returns with the result (another helper object containing the tools
exit status, plus the command output and error data emitted).
In short: We just turned a Unix commandline tool into a Swift function with minimal effort. Now we can do all the fancy stuff we wanted above, like:
for file in shell.ls("/Users/").split(separator: "\n") {
print("dir:", file)
// dir: Guest
// dir: Shared
// dir: helge
As you can see @dynamicCallable
and @dynamicMemberLookup
beautifully, and doing so increases their usefulness a lot.
Imagine how your SQL library could dynamically lookup a stored procedure
(or EOFetchSpecification
) and run it,
just by using db.processPendingOrders()
Finished Shell Swift Package
A few words of warning: This is intended as a demo. It should work just fine, but in the name of error handling and proper Swift beauty, you might want to approach forking processes differently 🤓 (BTW: PRs are welcome!)
Sample tool using the Shell package
The regular Swift Package Manager setup process:
mkdir ShellConsumerTest && cd ShellConsumerTest
swift package init --type executable
Sample main.swift
, calling the host
tool (located in /usr/bin
import Shell
Sample Package.swift
// swift-tools-version:5.0
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "ShellConsumerTest",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/helje5/Shell.git",
from: "0.1.0"),
targets: [
.target(name: "ShellConsumerTest",
dependencies: [ "Shell" ]), // <= do not forget!
Remember to add the dependency in two places. WET is best!
swift run
andswift test
patch the$PATH
to just/usr/bin
. You may want to run the binary directly to make lookup work properly.
Origins: Python
Now that you understand
and @dynamicMemberLookup
you essentially turned into a Python-Pro!
It is roughly how Python implements functions, methods and objects
in its runtime.
It is common knowledge that the features were added so that Google could
integrate Python machine learning libraries neatly into Swift.
But there is more to the feature, in fact Python itself has “always” had the
same feature:
Python is the first time we’ve seen the Callable
concept. In Python every
call like
is essentially a “property get” which returns a (potentially self-bound)
“callable”, which is then being called.
This is pretty different to other languages which often directly invoke
a method, or pass it through a message dispatcher.
(In Objective-C you could always do the same shown here using
and friends.)
An obvious limitation is that both features are statically typed.
You can’t lookup one function thats returns an Int, and another function
which returns a String. You have to tell the compiler in advance what type
you expect.
In practice this is probably going to end up in a lot of Any
s / as?
/ is
when this feature is being used. Time will show.
Another limitation is that the reverse is not possible, i.e. you cannot
lookup a Callable for a Swift function and dynamically invoke it via
. Aka reflection.
At least the current implementation doesn’t seem to support overloading, i.e. you can’t have this:
public struct MyCallable {
func dynamicallyCall(withArguments arguments: [ Int ]) -> Int {
return arguments.reduce(0, +)
func dynamicallyCall(withArguments arguments: [ Any ]) -> String {
return arguments.map { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: ",")
let call = MyCallable()
call.joined(1, "5", [2,3,4])
You can’t mix types, all arguments have to be the same type. I.e. this is not possible:
func dynamicallyCall(arg1: Int, arg2: String) -> String
Or this, which is specifically annoying for APIs (though this goes away a little with async/await):
func dynamicallyCall<T>(withArguments arguments: [ Any ], yield: ( T ) -> Void)
Streaming and Async I/O
Using this library in server side code is not recommended, it is blocking and the stdout/err/in processing is not streaming. (Also: do I have to talk about the security implications of doing such stuff on the server? I hope not 😎)
An example on how to do this properly can be found in Noze.io, which provides piping, backpressure aware streams, etc:
let s = spawn("git", "log", "-100", "--pretty=format:%H|%an|<%ae>|%ad")
| readlines
| through2(linesToRecords)
| through2(recordsToHTML)
| response
Those two are pretty exciting features and we are looking forward what people are going to do with them!
The code didn’t have any cows, so let’s at least have this one: 🐄